Eric Robins, MD, endorses EFT

I frequently use EFT for my patients with great results.

Eric Robins, MD

Co-author of Your Hands Can Heal you.

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Gary Craig, EFT Founder

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Natalia Verand quote
These personal messages from Gary almost always hit my personal target.
Natalia Verand
Sonia Novinsky quote
Gary brings The Unseen Therapist to life. Entertaining. Inspiring. I eagerly open every issue.
Sonia Novinsky
Marion Bilich, PhD quote
It's free, but I would gladly pay for Gary's stream of EFT wisdom.
Marion Bilich, PhD
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I regularly use Gary's insightful support for myself and my clients. Invaluable.
Roy King
Hoberleigh Phreigh quote
Gary's free support newsletter is intriguing, surprising, humorous and inspiring.
Hoberleigh Phreigh